Labels:text | screenshot | display OCR: 0 Listing of :files/welcome WELCOME Hello! Welcome to the first issue of the new look, new relaunched RIPMAG ! We're back, after a break for a year, and finally ready to face the Amiga scene with a new look, and a new style! Oh yes, First of all, RIPMAG is an AMIGA only magazine, but doesn't only cover computer related subjects. I know what a pain it is to get some reader involvement, but come on people, anything at all, let's make RIPMAG wonderful, Well it's certainly here to stay, and we hope it will become a two monthly release (ooh big promises), but no fixed deadlines yet, I want to see how long it actually takes to put this magazine together, as well as another mag I'm working on, but two monthly seems VERY likely, When I was putting together the system to use for RIPMAG, I did have a great file system where you select files using the mouse and they are displayed in a professional window, etc ... BUT it only works with 10 articles! So that sadly was no good, only after I'd put it all together, done all the graphics, THEN realised it didn't work, Sooo, you're stuck with "Selector" until I can find something better, And MMPP (which makes us look a bit too much like our sister mag for my liking, but never mind), but the quality of the magazine is in the articles, not the look I guess, That said, I don't reckon it looks too bad, it's ok. Hopefully when this gets onto the AMIGA WEB DIRECTORY, hundreds of millions of Amiga owners will download it (yeah right!), but hopefully a fair few will check it out, SO if your a musician, and have made a standard MOD file that is quite short (less than 250K if poss!) then why not send it to us to Next Page I Prey Page I Next Line I Prey Line I kerresh I Print file I Exit Priore